Learn Russian from the beginning! |
Talking about your town and the weather
You will learn
- to talk about what there is to see and do in cities
- to discuss the weather
- to talk about your vacation
- how to express feelings and opinions in Russian
and you will find out about Moscow and St Petersburg
Study guide
Dialogues 1, 2: listen without the book | |
Dialogues 1, 2: listen, read and study one by one | |
Practice what you have learned | |
Dialogues 3: listen without the book | |
Dialogues 3: listen, read and study one by one | |
Practice what you have learned | |
Dialogues 4, 5: listen without the book | |
Dialogues 4, 5: listen, read and study one by one | |
Practice what you have learned | |
Dialogues 6: listen without the book | |
Dialogues 6: listen, read and study one by one | |
Practice what you have learned | |
Study the Key words and phrases | |
Study the Grammar section carefully | |
Do the exercises in Read and understand | |
Read Did you know? | |
Do the exercises in Your turn to speak | |
Listen to all the dialogues once again straight through |
1. Ira knows Moscow very well.
Я москвичка, прожила в этом городе всю жизнь, и, как у всякого москвича, у меня есть свои любимые места. Обычно я показываю эти дорогие мне места моим друзьям и гостям. Во-первых, это парк, который находится недалеко от моего дома. Этот парк и здание в этом парке построили известные русские зодчие Баженов и Казаков.
обычно usually
во-первых firstly
прожила в этом городе всю жизнь I have lived my whole life in this city. Ira could also have used the verb in the present tense я живу...
как у всякого москвича as has every Muscovite. У is used to say that somebody has something, whether followed by a pronoun (у меня есть...) or by a noun (у всякого москвича). Any word following у takes a genitive ending.
у меня есть свои любимые места I have my own favorite places
я показываю эти дорогие мне места моим друзьям и гостям I show these favorite (lit. dear to me) places to my friends and guests. There is more about dative endings of nouns in the grammar section.
друзьям to my friends. The plural of друг friend is irregular.
парк, который находится недалеко от моего дома a park which isn’t far from my home
который which. This word changes as an adjective. Other examples:
галерея, которая находится в центре a gallery which is located in the center
кафе, которое находится рядом a café which is next door
построили известные русские зодчие Баженов и Казаков were built by the famous Russian architects Bazhenov and Kazakov
2. What else does Ira like to do?
Очень люблю выставки живописи, картинные галереи, где очень часто бываю со своими друзьями. И, конечно, я люблю гулять по тем местам, которые описаны в наших книгах, например, в книгах Булгакова, Пушкина и других.
например for example часто often конечно [kanyeshna] of course |
выставка живописи exhibition paintings картинные галереи picture galleries |
очень часто бываю I am very often (there). The verb бывать also means 'to be', but is used to talk about frequently or habitually being (i.e. going) somewhere.
со своими друзьями with my friends
гулять по тем местам, которые описаны в наших книгах to wander about those places which are described in our books
в книгах Булгакова, Пушкина... in the books of Bulgakov, Pushkin... 'Of' is expressed in Russian by the genitive case. There are some Russian names which look like adjectives, e.g. Достоевский, Толстой. The genitive is accordingly like the adjective (в книгах) Достоевского, Толстого.
и других and of others
Practice what you have learned
1. Three Muscovites all show friends their city. But their interests are so different that you might think it is three cities rather than one. Read the postcards below, and then listen and match the postcard writer with his or her friend.
a) | Мы были на стадионе, где играет 'Динамо'. Мы были и на Красной площади и в Кремле. |
b) | Мне очень хорошо здесь! Коля показывает мне выставки, галереи. Я был в музее Пушкина и в Театре на Таганке. |
c) | Как хорошо здесь! Дима показывает мне места, которые описаны в книгах Булгакова, Пушкина. Мы были в доме-музее Пушкина и в доме Толстого. |
I. | II. | III. |

3. A coach excursion is offered.
Tour guide | Уважаемые гости. Приглашаем на экскурсию по Москве, обзорную экскурсию по городу. Красную площадь, Кремль, центральные улицы, плошади, проспекты, бульвары, Ленинские горы. По самым памятным местам столицы. Древнейшие храмы, старейшие театры, правительственные здания. По самым памятным местам Москвы на экскурсию по городу, приглашаем. |
уважаемые гости respected guests
обзорная экскурсия a panoramic tour
Красная площадь Red Square (the woman uses the accusative because they will be going there)
Кремль Kremlin
центральные улицы central streets
площади, проспекты, бульвары squares, avenues, boulevards
Ленинские горы Lenin hills (These hills are now called by their original name: Воробьёвы горы.)
правительственный government (adj.)
здания (sing. здание) buildings
приглашаем на экскурсию we invite you on an excursion. If she personally was making the invitation, she would say я приглашаю. Any word following приглашать в/на will have an accusative ending.
по Москве,... по городу around Moscow,... around the city. Here the preposition по means 'around', and it is followed by dative endings (see the grammar section).
по самым памятным местам столицы around the most noteworthy places in the capital. To say something is the most (interesting, beautiful, etc.), самый is used before the adjective. It's easy to use since it changes in
exactly the same way as the adjective, e.g.:
самый известный памятник the most famous monument
самая красивая церковь the most beautiful church
самое большое здание the biggest building
древнейшие храмы, старейшие театры the most ancient churches, the oldest theaters. Another less common way of forming the superlatives ('the most...'). She might just as easily have said: древние храмы, старые театры ancient churches, old theaters.

The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts
Practice what you have learned
2. A tourist group is visiting three major cities in Russia and Ukraine. Unfortunately the programs are all jumbled up. Listen to the tour guide and write down the places to be seen in each city.
New words:
известный храм собор памятник |
famous church, temple cathedral memorial, monument |

3. Volodya has found a holiday job showing tourists around Moscow. The trouble is that he knows next to nothing about the city! He hopes that total ignorance can be concealed by an abundance of superlatives. Listen to your recording, then fill in the missing words.
I. | Какая это улица? Это улица в Москве! |
II. | Какой это проспект? Это проспект в Москве! |
III. | Какое это кафе? Это кафе в Москве! |
IV. | Какая это галерея? Это галерея в Москве! |
самый красивый the most beautiful
самый интересный the most interesting
самый известный the most famous

4. Some advice about the weather in Moscow.
Если вы хотите приехать в Москву, то вам, конечно, будет интересно знать, какая здесь погода. Зимой у нас бывает и очень холодно, но может быть и тепло, и тогда появляется вода и снег тает. Летом погода обычно бывает довольно тёплая, но часто дожди. И поэтому я люблю отдыхать не в Москве летом, обязательно на юге, где тепло. Очень люблю тепло.
Весна в Москве очень капризная. То солнце, то холод. Поэтому мы весной предпочитаем больше сидеть дома.
появляется вода water appears
снег тает the snow melts
поэтому therefore
обязательно definitely
капризный capricious
солнце sun
холод the cold
приехать в Москву to come to Moscow
вам будет интересно знать... literally: 'it will be interesting to you to know...'. Similarly, 'it will be interesting to me...' is мне будет интересно... By the way, leaving out будет would put any such sentence into the present tense.
какая здесь погода what the weather is like here. You only need to change your intonation to make this a question. And to find out what the weather will be like today, ask: какая сегодня будет погода?
бывает очень холодно, но может быть и тепло it gets very cold, though it can be warm as well. Not of course necessary for a Russian winter, but in summer it can also be жарко hot.
погода обычно бывает довольно тёплая the weather is usually fairly warm
Both тёплый and тепло mean 'warm', but тёплый is an adjective and agrees with the noun, i.e. тёплая погода 'warm weather', whereas тепло is used when no noun is mentioned, e.g. Сегодня тепло. It is warm today. Certain other words work in the same way, e.g.:
холодный день a cold day
Здесь холодно. It is cold here.
жаркое лето a hot summer
Летом бывает жарко. It gets hot here in summer.
часто дожди there is often rain. You will just as often hear the singular of this noun дождь.
отдыхать to rest, take one’s vacation
на юге in the south. The word for south is юг. The other points of the compass are: север north, восток east, запад west.
то... то... one minute... the next...
мы... предпочитаем больше сидеть дома we prefer to sit at home. 'I prefer' would be я предпочитаю.
5. One season is special.
Приятна мне твоя прощальная краса.
Люблю я пышное природы увяданье.
В багрец и в золото одетые леса.
для души for the soul
пушкинская пора Pushkin’s time (Pushkin loved this season particularly)
золотая осень golden autumn
строки lines
для души больше приятна осень for the spirit autumn is nicer. It is more correct to say более приятна.
у нас её называют золотой осенью we call it golden autumn. In Russian very often the third person plural of the verb (the 'they' form) is used by itself to mean 'people generally'. Another common verb used in this way is говорят 'they say'.
Осенняя пора! Очей очарованье!... Ira makes a slight mistake in the first line of Pushkin's famous poem 'Осень'. It should read: Унылая пора! Очей очарованье! In D.M. Thomas' translation:
Your elegiac beauty and your mourning
Colors are dear to me; the sumptuous
Fading of the woods in purple and gold...

A monument to Alexander Pushkin in Moscow
Practice what you have learned
4. Below are three pictures of different parts of the Russian Federation. As you see, the climate varies dramatically! Listen to your recording and match each prediction to the most appropriate picture.
a) | b) | c) |

5. Some friends are chatting about when and where they spend their vacation. Listen to the recording, then mark off the correct statements below.
I. | Nadya takes her vacation in | ||
a) | summer | ||
b) | spring | ||
II. | She goes | ||
a) | north because the weather is better | ||
b) | south because of Moscow's weather | ||
III. | Sasha takes a vacation | ||
a) | in spring and winter | ||
b) | in summer and winter | ||
IV. | He goes north because | ||
a) | he finds the cold invigorating | ||
b) | he likes to ski |

6. You live in St. Petersburg. You will be asking questions about the weather in Moscow. As always, Andrei will prompt you.
6. Where do Larisa Alekseevna and her family spend their vacation?
Boris Mikhailovich | А где вы отдыхаете? |
Larisa Alekseevna | Отпуск мы, как правило, проводим летний на реке Ахтуба, а зимний отпуск мы проводим в Подмосковье, на турбазе или в доме отдыха. |
Boris Mikhailovich | А где расположен этот дом отдыха? |
Larisa Alekseevna | Дом отдыха расположен в Звенигороде на реке Москва-река. Это самое красивое место Подмосковья. |
Boris Mikhailovich | Там есть лес? |
Larisa Alekseevna | Там есть очень красивый лес. |
Boris Mikhailovich | Там есть какая-нибудь река? |
Larisa Alekseevna | Там река Москва-река протекает. |
Boris Mikhailovich | А ваш муж ловит рыбу зимой? |
Larisa Alekseevna | Муж мой занимается рыбалкой в зимнее время. |
Boris Mikhailovich | А это очень холодно ловить зимой рыбу? |
Larisa Alekseevna | Ну, он очень всегда тепло одевается. |
как правило as a rule
река river
турбаза tourist center
дом отдыха vacation center/sanatorium
лес forest
мы проводим летний/зимний отпуск we spend the summer/winter holiday. 'I spend' would be я провожу.
где расположен...? where is... located? This is a less common way of asking где находится...?
Подмосковье the area around Moscow
там есть какая-нибудь река? is there a river there? Boris Mikhailovich evidently wasn't listening carefully since Larisa Alekseevna had just told him!
а ваш муж ловит рыбу зимой? does your husband fish in winter? Larisa Alekseevna's reply was a long way of saying 'yes'! Заниматься рыбалкой and ловить рыбу both mean 'to fish'.
он очень всегда тепло одевается he always dresses very warmly. The infinitive of this verb is одеваться to dress oneself. 'I dress warmly' is я одеваюсь тепло. To dress lightly is, however, одеваться легко.
Practice what you have learned
7. Tamara asks some colleagues where they spend their holidays. Listen to your recording, then fill in the missing words (they are jumbled up in the box below).
Борис, где вы обычно (I) ?
Я отдыхаю обычно (II) на юге. Я очень люблю (III)
Игорь, где вы проводите (IV) ?
Летний отпуск мы (V) на море, а (VI) мы отдыхаем в доме отдыха, недалеко от Владимира.
Там есть какая-нибудь (VII) ?
Да, (VIII) расположен на реке Клязьма.
тепло | река | зимой | отдыхаете |
летом | проводим | дом отдыха | отпуск |

Key words and phrases
To use | |
показывать любимый, -ая, -oe друг (pl. друзья) гость (m.) |
to show favorite friend guest |
парк, который находится...
галерея, которая находится...
здание, которое находится...
недалеко от моего дома |
the park which is located...
the gallery which is located...
the building which is located...
not far from my home |
бывать я часто бываю там приглашать |
to be (habitually, often) I am there often to invite |
приглашаем на экскурсию...
по Москве
по Новгороду
по самым памятным местам столицы |
we invite (you) on an excursion...
around Moscow
around Novgorod
around the most notable places of the capital |
какая здесь погода? | what is the weather like here? |
какая сегодня будет погода? | what will the weather be like today? |
погода бывает тёплая | the weather is (usually) warm |
погода будет холодная | the weather will be cold |
погода будет жаркая | the weather will be hot |
сегодня тепло | it's warm today |
сегодня будет холодно | it will be cold today |
сегодня было жарко | it was hot today |
мне холодно | I am cold |
вам тепло? | are you warm? |
часто дожди/дождь | there's often rain |
снег | snow |
отдыхать (я отдыхаю) | to rest, spend one's vacation |
проводить отпуск (я провожу, вы проводите)... | to spend one's vacation... |
на юге (юг)
на севере (север)
на западе (запад)
на востоке (восток) |
in the south (south)
in the north (north)
in the west (west)
in the east (east) |
река лес |
river forest |
Impersonal sentences
Some Russian sentences may at first sight appear telegraphic. This is mainly because there is no word in them for 'it is'. Thus:
Сегодня холодно. It is cold today.
Это очень интересно. That is very interesting.
Verb forms are, however, needed for 'it was' - было and 'it will be' - будет, e.g.:
Сегодня было тепло. It was warm today.
Завтра будет холодно. It will be cold tomorrow.
If it is Boris who is, was or will be cold, the sentence will be:
Борису (было, будет) холодно. Boris is (was, will be) cold.
(Literally, this sentence means 'То Boris it is (was, will be) cold'.)
Such sentences are very common in Russian when talking about feelings, opinions, etc. Here are some other examples:
Антону интересно здесь. Anton finds it interesting here. (lit. To Anton it is interesting here.)
Нине было жарко. Nina was hot. (lit. To Nina it was hot.)
Мне надо будет работать. I will have to work. (lit. To me it will be necessary to work.)
Вам холодно? Are you cold? (lit. To you cold?)
In these sentences, the noun or pronoun ('to me', 'to you', etc.) referring to the person involved has a dative ending. We introduced dative endings for pronouns. Names of people must also change.
Dative endings
There are really only three endings to learn:
Masculine & neuter singular nouns end in -y or -ю, e.g.:
Виктору и Николаю интересно ловить рыбу. Victor and Nikolai enjoy fishing.
Михаилу Ивановичу жарко. Mikhail Ivanovich is hot.
Feminine singular nouns normally end in -e, e.g.:
Нине хорошо здесь. Nina feels good here.
Татьяне Алексеевне приятно читать в парке. Tatyana Alekseevna finds it pleasant to read in the park.
In the plural, all nouns end in -ам or -ям, e.g.:
Экскурсия по самым памятным местам столицы Excursion around the most noteworthy places of the capital
Do not be put off by these endings. It is the pronouns you have learned in lesson 10 which you are more likely to use. The main thing is to understand such constructions.
8. Read and translate the following sentences.
I. | Антону холодно сегодня. |
II. | Нине надо работать. |
III. | Моим друзьям интересно знать, какая здесь погода. |
IV. | Николаю было жарко. |
V. | Анне Степановне надо говорить по-английски на работе. |
VI. | Студентам не очень интересно ходить на конференции. |

9. In the spaces below add the words in parentheses with the right endings. Make sure you understand each one.
I. | интересно ходить в театр. |
II. | сегодня тепло, а холодно. |
III. | надо много работать. |
IV. | Вашему интересно изучать французский язык? |
V. | было очень приятно обедать в ресторане. |

Read and understand
10. Three tourists wrote notes in their diaries about the places they were visiting. Below are picture postcards which each one sent to a friend. If you read the diary entries, you will know who sent which postcard.
I. | Сегодня я ходил по Невскому проспекту и другим проспектам и улицам. Мне было так интересно! Я люблю ходить по тем местам, которые описаны в романах Достоевского. Я ещё не ходил в Эрмитаж, может быть, завтра. Погода сейчас довольно капризная: то солнце, то холод, и часто дожди. |
II. | Я ходила по старым улицам столицы, по улицам, которые описаны в книгах Булгакова, Толстого. Я завтракала в кафе, которое находится недалеко от Кремля, и ходила в Музей Пушкина. Было очень холодно, но я так люблю снег! В парке дети катаются на коньках. Мне очень хорошо здесь! |
III. | Погода здесь очень хорошая - тёплая, солнечная. Я очень люблю проводить отпуск на реке. Каждый день я плаваю, загораю. Здесь очень красивый лес, мы часто там бываем. Утром я ловлю рыбу или ничего не делаю. Очень приятно отдыхать здесь. Я думаю, это самое красивое место Подмосковья! |
(click to enlarge)

Did you know
Moscow and St Petersburg
A visitor may well have difficulty believing that these two cities are part of the same country. A few words about each city’s past may help to explain the differences.
While Moscow does not date back to the earliest days of Kievan Rus' it is quite old, having been founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky in 1156. It was, however, one of the least important princedoms until the Tartar invasion of the 13th century and the fall of Kiev. Then its geographical location and a lack of fastidiousness on the part of Ivan Kalita (or 'Moneybags') in dealing with the invaders enabled Moscow to gain considerable power. This was further increased by the Metropolitan’s decision to establish the Church center in Moscow. Constantinople, the 'second Rome', fell in 1453. After the end of Tartar rule in 1480, Prince Ivan of Moscow declared himself Tsar, ruler of all Russia and of all Orthodox Christians. Moscow was to be the third Rome — there would be no fourth.
Moscow remained the capital of a burgeoning empire until the reign of Peter the Great (1672-1725). In supremely autocratic fashion Peter decided to build a new capital on the shores of the Baltic Sea. Undeterred by the marshy terrain and inauspicious climate, Peter used Swedish prisoners of war and Russian peasants to create St. Petersburg, a 'window onto Europe' ('Bronze Horseman' by Alexander Pushkin).
He also invited architects from abroad to create this 'Venice of the North'. The classical style of architecture, canals and bridges and the famous 'white nights' in June create a particular atmosphere which has fascinated writers and poets from Pushkin and Dostoevsky to the present day.
It was in this city, renamed from 1914 Petrograd, that the revolutions of February and October 1917 took place. In 1918, however, Lenin moved the capital back to Moscow. From 1924, following Lenin’s death, up to 1991, the city was called Leningrad.
The Soviet period left its mark on both cities. The appearance of Moscow, historically more 'Russian', changed more, with many historical areas destroyed or converted into offices for the dozens of ministries centered in the city. Fifty years after the October 1917 revolution, fewer than half of Moscow’s churches and monasteries remained standing.
St. Petersburg has altered less structurally. The problem here is that restoration and repair work have not kept pace with decay and many beautiful buildings are close to collapse.
St. Petersburg / Leningrad was also particularly ravaged by the Second World War. For 900 days the city was under siege, during which more than a million people died of starvation. To this day on one of the houses on Nevsky Prospect is a sign warning citizens of Leningrad that 'under gunfire this side of the street is more dangerous'.
Your turn to speak
In this exercise you will be talking about your own city or the place where you spend your vacation. Work out what you would like to say about it and try this out before listening to your recording. Remember that if your version is different from the recording, it is not wrong, just different! The following words may be useful:
у меня есть свои любимые места | I have my own favorite places |
парк, который находится... | the park which is located... |
вам будет интересно знать, какая здесь погода | you will be interested to know what kind of weather there is here |
бывает холодно | it gets cold |
я предпочитаю отдыхать в/на... | I prefer to take my vacation in... |
самое красивое место Подмосковья | the most beautiful place in the area around Moscow |