The most frequently asked questions about learning foreign languages
About the website
Who or What is Lingust?
Having left the instructions for learning foreign languages, it set out to explore the languages of other planets and, perhaps, will never come back... Those who will follow its instuctions will surely succeed in learning foreign languages.
About the developers and the creation
Upon the recommendation of Google, I created a personal page about myself: about the author.
Is everything free here?
How to help the website?
The website is hosted on a high-capacity server (computer) that costs a lot + other expenses to support the site = you help is essential for its survival. Every time you are on the website, don’t forget to click on any advertisement you find interesting. A click costs several cents or (hopefully) more. One click for one day. Very simple.
If you don’t see blocks with ads, it means that a blocker is installed on your browser (or computer). The most popular is uBlock Origin, in this case you just need to make an exception for this site. You need to turn it off, in this case, its button will be grey, like this:

It’s possible that you have another blocker installed, in this case you need to ask the person who installed it to you.
Also, recommend the website to your friends and leave a link on it somewhere on the Internet if possible.
What other languages are you planning to add?
How to behave on the website?
- Don’t place links in your comments. They will be deleted without ascertaining your intentions (it’s ads in 95% of cases)
- Don’t move to the next lesson until you have learned the current lesson. Without knowledge of the previous lessons you won’t progress in your learning.
- Don’t insult anyone here. Keep all your negativity to yourself. Such comments will be deleted.
- Don’t give advice to "developers". If there is a problem, of course, tell about it. However, a lot of people just think that they know everything and spam their comments everywhere, so-called armchair experts. All issues here are known, and they will be addressed as soon as possible, if it’s possible.
- Show some respect when talking to someone, especially the owner of the website. Otherwise, there is the blackest list here, just for you.
- Don’t propose users to learn their own language first (because they are writing with mistakes)! First of all, 50% of such experts write with mistakes themselves. Secondly, the knowledge of one’s own language has nothing to do with learning a foreign language.
- If you are not on friendly terms with computers or phones, ask someone to show you how this website works. Sometimes, people appear from nowhere who doesn’t know how to do simply things with computers, they write one thing but mean another thing. It’s impossible to help such people, because they don’t understand what’s going on, but they blame me for not guessing their thoughts right.
Is there a mobile version of the website?
Audio player is not working. What to do?
Do I need to register on the website?
Where should I ask a question?
Attention! Before ask a question, read the comments under the lesson.
There is a comment system under each lesson. Write your question there.
About learning foreign languages
What level will I reach after I finish your course?
Usually, the levels are: A1 (Beginner), A2 (Elementary), B1 (Intermediate), B2 (Upper-Intermediate), C1 (Advanced), C2 (Proficiency). All this is very relative, that’s why if some test shows you a certain level you like, don’t flatter yourself, it’s just a test.
The lessons on the website usually include A1-A2 levels. However, the English course includes B1.
What is the source of the lessons?
I didn’t understand anything.
I’ve found a mistake/misprint?
I’ve been learning for quite some time now, I can read, but...
Should I learn several languages at the same time?
If you have time, desire and possibilities, then all right, you may learn several languages. But I recommend you to focus on only one, but, in time, you’ll figure out yourself whether you manage another language or not.