第十八课 - Lesson 18
Daily routine. Revision
Dīng Yún shì yīngyǔ xì de xuésheng.
Тā cóng Běijīng lái zhèr xuéxí.
Yīngyǔ xì yǒu wǔge Zhōngguó liúxuéshēng.
Tāmen dōu zài xuésheng sùshè zhù.
Dīng Yún měi tiān liùdiǎn yíkè qǐ chuáng.
Qǐ chuáng yǐhòu, tā xuéxí éyǔ hé yīngyǔ.
Qīdiǎn bàn tā zuò chē qù xuéyuàn.
Měi tiān shàngwǔ tā dōu yǒu kè.
Tāmen bādiǎn shàng kè, shíyīdiǎn wǔshífēn xià kè.
Xià kè yǐhòu, Dīng Yún qù shítáng chī fàn.
Nà shì xuésheng shítáng, tā zài nàr rènshi hěn duō péngyou.
Xiàwǔ Dīng Yún méi yǒu kè, tā huí sùshè xiūxi.
Sāndiǎn tā qù yuèlǎnshì kàn huàbào hé zázhì.
Yǒu shíhou tā qù péngyou jiā, gēn péngyou shuō éyǔ,
yǒu shíhou tā qù lǎoshī nàr wèn wèntí.
Péngyoumen yě chángcháng lái kàn tā.
Wǎnshang Dīng Yún zài sùshè xuéxí.
Yǒu shíhou tā gēn péngyoumen qù kàn diànyǐng,
yǒu shíhou gěi bàba, māma hé péngyou xiě xìn.
Тā shíyīdiǎn shuì jiào.
New words
天 (n.) tiān day
每 (pron.) měi every, each
- 起床 (w/comb.) qǐ chuang to get up
起 (v.) qǐ to get up, to rise
床 (n.) chuáng bed
- 上午 (n.) shàngwǔ (in the) morning
午 (n.) wǔ noon, midday
吃 (v.) chī to eat
饭 (n.) fàn meal, cooked rice, food
多 (adj.) duō many, much, a lot of
- 下午 (n.) xiàwǔ (in the) afternoon
休息 (n.) xiūxi to rest, to take a rest
有时候 (w/comb.) yǒu shíhou sometimes
时候 (n.) shíhou time
问题 (n.) wèntí question, problem
睡觉 (w/comb.) shuì jiào to go to bed, to sleep
Supplementary words
- 中午 (n.) zhōngwǔ noon
- 外语系 (n.) wàiyǔxì Department of Foreign Languages
- 历史 (n.) lìshǐ history
- 文学 (n.) wénxué literature
每 | = | 2 strokes + 母 (mother) |
Every mother has 2 "strokes"... :) | ||
床 | = | 广 (厂) + 木 |
A wooden bed under a wide cliff. | ||
吃 | = | 口 + 乞 (beg (for alms), supplicate, implore) |
Please, give me something to eat, I’m begging you... | ||
饭 | = | 饣 (food, key ch.) + 反 (возвращать, phon. fan) |
The key character shows the meaning of the word, while the phonetic component shows how it sounds. | ||
休息 | = | 亻 + 木 + 自 (self) + 心 |
A man is having a rest under a tree... | ||
时候 | = | 日 + 寸 + 亻 + strokes + 矢 |
= (duration of) time; (a point in) time, moment. Both characters mean time. | ||
问题 | = | 门 + 口 + 日 + 足 + 页 (page; 贝 - shell) |
A mouth passes through doors telling that its leg was burnt by the sun; it was said to it that it’s not the problem/question, here is a page (paper bag) of shells for you, they’ll cam you downвот... | ||
睡觉 | = | 目 + 垂 (hang down, let drop) + grapheme "to study" + 见 (see) |
Now lower (hang down) your eyes, sleep, imagine that you already know Chinese. |
“丁云每天六点一刻起床。” — “Ding Yun gets up every day at 6:15”.
When qualified by the noun usually takes a measure word before it, as in “每个学生” or “每本书” etc. But the noun “天”, when preceded by “每”, doesn’t need a measure word inserted in between, as in “每天”. “天” “day” is an exception here. Another exception is “年” “year”.
The word “每” is often accompanied in the predicate of the sentence by a word or phrase denoting quantity or by the adverb “都”, for example:
“每天上午她都有̣课。” Every day in the morning she has classes. The adverb 都 in this case means “always” because it summarizes not the subjects (here only one — 她), but the adverbial modifier of time “每天上午”.
The measure word 堂 (táng) can be used with the noun 课 — “lesson” (class). For example:
“下午我还有一堂课。” In the afternoon I have one more lesson. Unlike this, textbook lessons don’t have measure words in all cases:
“我们请张老师介绍这一课的语法。” We asked teacher Zhang to explain the grammar of this lesson. “你们现在看第18课。”
(第 dì is the characteristic of an ordinal numeral)You are now reading the 18th lesson. “她在那儿认识很多新朋友。” — “She met many new friends there.”
When used attributively, the adjective “多” (or “少”) is usually preceded by such an adverb as “很” etc. Instead of “多朋友” we practically always say “很多(的)朋友”. “的” after “很多” may be omitted. The adverb “很” in the indicated position usually (if not emphasized) loses its lexical meaning “very” (“very friends”, and not “too many friends”).

Tone combinations.
(for words of lessons 13-18)
1—1 xīn shū (新书) gōngsī (公司) |
1—2 shēngcí (生词) Zhōngwén (中文) |
1—3 jīnglǐ (经理) |
1—4 chīfàn (吃饭) gōngzuò (工作) shūdiàn (书店) |
1—0 xiūxi (休息) duōshao (多少) |
2—1 huíjiā (回家) túshū (图书) |
2—2 shítáng (食堂) yínháng (银行) |
2—3 éyǔ (俄语) |
2—4 huíxìn (回信) yóupiào (邮票) |
2—0 shíhou (时候) háizi (孩子) qúnzi (裙子) |
3—1 měitiān (海天) mǎi shū (买书) xiǎng jiā (想家) |
3—2 qǐ chuáng (起床) yǐqián (以前) nǚ’ér (女儿) |
(3—3)2—3 yǔfǎ (语法) kǒuyǔ (口语) mǎi bǐ (买笔) |
3—4 mǎi bào (买报) zǒu lù (走路) yǐhòu (以后) |
3—0 wǎnshang (晚上) jiějie (姐姐) |
4—1 zuò chē (坐车) shàng bān (上班) chènshān (衬衫) |
4—2 wèntí (问题) |
4—3 shàngwǔ (上午) diànyǐng (电影) yìqǐ (一起) |
4—4 shàng kè (上课) shuì jiào (睡觉) hànzì (汉字) |
4—0 kùzi (裤子) mèimei (妹妹) gàosu (告诉) |
Talk about these pictures
Getting acquainted with each other
你在哪儿工作?Talking about your family
你有几个孩子?Sending regards
……问你好Talking about the institute
你们下午有课吗?Asking where someone is going
你跟谁一起去?Talking about an article
你的衬衫是新的吗?Asking the time, and making a suggestion

A Brief Summary of Grammar
❶ The subject, predicate, object, attributive and adverbial adjunct
A Chinese sentence is made up of two parts: the subject and the predicate.
The main element of the subject is usually a noun or a pronoun while the main element of the predicate is a verb or an adjective etc. The subject normally precedes the predicate. E.g.
In a conversation, the subject is often omitted. E.g.
The predicate can also be omitted if the context or situation leaves no room for misunderstanding. E.g.:
— 你好吗?
— 我很好、你呢?
The object, which may fee either a noun or a pronoun, forms part of the predicate and usually follows the predicative verb. A number of verbs may have two objects. E.g.:
Some verbs being part of the predicate may take two objects.. For example:
An attributive is mainly used to qualify a noun and is placed before the noun it qualifies. Nouns, pronouns, adjectives, numeral-measure words etc. may all function as attributives.
An adverbial adjunct is mainly used to qualify a verb or an adjective. Adverbs, adjectives, nouns and prepositional constructions etc. may all function as adverbial adjuncts. Adverbial adjuncts regularly precede the words they qualify instead of coming after them. E.g.
❷ Attributives and the structural particle “的” (1):
1. When used attributively to show possession, a noun usually takes “的”. “的” after it. E.g.:
When a noun is used attributively to indicate the characteristic or quality of the object denoted by the word it qualifies, it usually doesn’t take “的” after it, for example:
2. When used attributively to show possession, a personal pronoun usually takes “的” after it. E.g.:
她的笔 | 他们的阅览室 | 他们的问题 |
But if the word that the personal pronoun modifies refers to a family relation or a unit to which the person denoted by the pronoun belongs, the personal pronoun usually does not take “的” after it. E.g.:
你哥哥 | 我家 | 你们系 | 我们公司 |
3. When used attributively, a numeral-measure word (or a demonstrative pronoun together with a measure word) usually takes no “的” after it. E.g.:
两张票 | 九十八个学生 | 这条裙子 |
4. When used attributively a monosyllabic adjective usually takes no “的” after it. E.g.:
男朋友 | 白衬衫 | 新地图 |
5. An adjective construction, when used attributively, must take “的” after it, e.g. “很好的朋友”. The adjective “多” and “少” when used attributively, usually has an adverb before it but doesn’t take “的” after it, e.g. “很多朋友”.
Supply each of the following verbs with one or two (direct and indirect) objects, then make a sentence with the verb:
(1) 等、说、写、看、认 识、在、买、有、找、学 习、坐。
(2) 问、还、教、给、告 诉、起、穿、回、去、用、介 绍。
Answer the following questions:
- 你每天几点起床?
- 起床以后你做什么?
- 你每天上午都有课吗?
- 你每天上午几点上课?
- 你每天都坐车去学院吗?
- 你每天都在食堂吃饭吗?
- 你每天下午都在宿舍吗?
- 你每天都去图书馆吗?
- 你常常去咖啡馆吗?
- 每天晚上你都看电影吗?
- 晚上你常常做什么?
- 你每天几点睡觉?
- 你每天几点起床?
Fill in each blank with all the three words or phrases given in brackets in turn, adding the structural particle “的” where necessary. Check yourself with the audio file then.
(1) 这是//杂志。 (我;中文;阅览室)
(2) 我有//朋友。 (一个;很多;中国)
(3) 她穿//裙子吗? (蓝;她姐姐;旧)
(4) 我哥哥下午去买//票。 (四张;京剧;八点钟)
(5) 我常常看//书。 (语法;新;我们老师)-
Put in an appropriate measure word in each of the following sentences (“个”, “张”, “家”, “件”, “本”, “条”). Check yourself with the audio file.
Complete the following dialogues with the appropriate phrases from the list given: “对了”, “好啊”, “问…好”, “谢谢你”, “我们认识一下儿”, “太好了”.
Restore the sentences made of the words given.
- 汉语、我、在、学习、朋友、北京。
- 谁、你、语法、教。
- 安德烈、来、她、从、那儿。
- 常常、信、给、写、你、他、吗。
- 跟、汉语、丁云、学习、玛沙。
- 词典、几本、有、你、汉语。
- 认识、认识、大夫、那个、你、不。
- 好、的、很、他们、朋友、是。
- 留学生、多、中国、有、班、很、我们。
- 他、是、新、的、车、的。
- 杂志、没有、图书馆、中文。
- 上课、点、每天、他、八。
- 用、信、中文、写、她、常常。
- 去、看、朋友、我、的、宿舍、我。
- 有、课、你、上午、堂、几。
- 汉语、我、在、学习、朋友、北京。

Контрольные упражнения
① Character dictation
Write the following sentences in Chinese characters adding tone marks above them:
- Nǐ měitiān jǐdiǎn qǐ chuáng, jǐdiǎn shuì jiào? — Wǒ qīdiǎnbàn qǐ chuáng, wǎnshang shíyīdiǎn yǐhòu shuì jiào. — Shuì jiào yǐqián nǐ zuò shénme? — Yǒu shíhou kàn diànyǐng, yǒu shíhou kàn shū.
- Nǐ měitiān dōu yǒu kè ma? — Měitiān dōu yǒu kè. — Jǐdiǎn shàng kè? — Shàngwǔ bādiǎnbàn. — Xiàwǔ yě yǒu kè ma? — Xiàwǔ liǎngdiǎn yǐhòu wǒ dōu yǒu kè. — Nà nǐ zài nǎr chī fàn? — Yǒu shíhou zài xuésheng shítáng, yǒu shíhou huí jiā yǐhòu gēn bàba māma yìqǐ chī fàn.
Wǒ rènshi yíge Zhōngguó liúxuéshēng, tā cóng Běijīng lái zhèr xuéxí. Тā xìng Xiè, jiào Xiè Yīng. Тā xuéxí éyǔ hé fǎyǔ, hái shuō yīngyǔ. Xiè Yīng měitiān dōu liùdiǎn qǐ chuáng, qǐ chuáng yǐhòu zuò chē qù xuéyuàn shàng kè. Tā měitiān shàngwǔ dōu yǒu kè, yǒu shíhou xiàwǔ yě yǒu kè. Xià kè yǐhòu Xiè Yīng huí sùshè xiūxi.Wǎnshang wǒ chángcháng qù kàn tā. Wǒmen shuō hànyǔ, tā bāngzhù wǒ xuéxí kǒuyǔ. Wǒ yě bāngzhù tā shuō éyǔ, yǒu shíhou wǒmen hái shuō yīngyǔ. Wǒ cháng gěi tā jièshào xīn bàozhǐ hé zázhì. Xiūxide shíhou wǒmen yìqǐ kàn Éluósī hé Zhōngguó diànyǐng. Tā gàosu wǒ, tā hěn xiǎng jiā, měitiān wǎnshang dōu gěi bàba māma hé péngyou xiě xìn.
② Mixed dictation
Write the following word combinations and sentences in Chinese characters and pinyin, lay tone marks:
“Běijīng” 饭店; “上海” 饭店; huí guó de shíhou; qù 美国 de shíhou; 啤酒 de shíhou; qǐ chuáng yǐhòu hē 牛奶; shuìjiào yǐqián hē 牛奶; zhù 医院 de shíhou; cóng 欧洲 huí Běijīngde shíhou; 问候王经理; wèn nǐ 太太 hǎo; zhù “Běijīng” 饭店.
③ Exercise on reading and understanding unfamiliar words, made of the characters you know:
④ Translation
Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese:
- Every day she gets up at half past six. Her classes start at eight o'clock. She comes back home at noon to eat.
- In the afternoon I’m sometimes at home, sometimes I go to the reading room.
- He writes Chinese characters every day.
- — What time do you go to sleep?
— Sometimes at eleven o’clock, sometimes at twelve o’clock.
- After classes, I’ll be writing a letter to the elder brother, I have English at three o’clock.
- After classes we often ask teacher Li many questions, ask him to tell us about China.
- He told me that he has many friends in China. He often talks with them in Chinese.
- Every day at a quarter past eight, he goes by bus to the institute to give classes.
- — How many departments in your institute?
— Three: Department of English Language, Department of French Language and Department of Chinese Language.
— What department do you study at?
— I study at the Department of Chinese Language.
- — Is your shirt blue?
— No, my shirt is green, that blue one is my younger brother’s.
- — Who are you waiting for?
— I’m waiting for my friend. We are going together to a seven hours movie.
- He is going to Beijing by car tomorrow. Will you go together with him?
- — How many Chinese characters do you know?
— Ninety.
- Tonight I wear the green skirt, not the black one. The green skirt is new and very good-looking
- Sometimes the teacher explains us grammar in Chinese.
- We finish classes in the afternoon. Will you go to the café with me (together)?
- Before going home, I’ll go to the reading room to read new French newspapers and magazines.
- — Where is my copybook?
— At teacher Wang’s. My copybooks is also there.
- — Are you at home every evening?
— In the evening after work, I sometimes come back home, sometimes I go visit friends, go to a movie with them.
- I don't eat (lunch) at the dormitory of the institute, I eat (luch) at home every day.
- Every evening before going to bed, I read Chinese newspapers.
- — Who are you looking for?
— I’m looking for engineer Zhang.
— Sorry, we don’t have anyone with the surname Zhang.
- — What is the surname of that employee?
— His surname is Wang. He works in the laboratory of our institute.
- — Where is the post office?
— The post office is on the second floor (amer.).
- After work I’ll go home and rest. Tomorrow at nine o’clock I’m driving to the bank. I have a lot of things (to do).
- My elder brother studies in Beijing. Sometimes he writes letters to me. I miss him very much, I want to go to Beijing to visit him.
- Do you know
Chinese well? May I ask you a few questions in Chinese?
- After eating lunch, I go to a friend from the dining room.
- Before classes I want to go to the post office for stamps.
- — Do you need the black coat now?
— No, I'll wear the white shirt. Take (lit.: use) (it), please.