Lección 14
Imperative Mood. Querer

La hora de pasear

pasear | to go for a walk/stroll; to walk | |
los | hermanos | brothers; siblings |
escribir | to write | |
¡escribe! | write! (sing.) | |
¡escribid! | write! (pl.) | |
comer | to eat | |
¡come! | eat! (sing.) | |
¡comed! | eat! (pl.) | |
basta | enough | |
de repente | suddenly, all of a sudden | |
la | mañana | morning; el mañana tomorrow |
el | sol | sun |
loco, -a | crazy, mad | |
querer (quiero) | to want, to love (I want, I love) | |
dormir | to sleep | |
si | if | |
el | maestro | teacher; master; maestro |
para ... | (in order) to; for | |
la | ciudad | city, town |
escuchar (¡escuchad!) | to listen, to hear (listen [up]!) | |
expresar | to express | |
cómo | like, as; how | |
la | palabra | word |
sencillo, -a | simple | |
el | encanto | charm |
la | cosa | thing |
el | palacio | palace |
el | jardín | garden; park |
cierto, -a | certain | |
levantarse (¡levantaos!) | get/stand up (get/stand up!) | |
la | luz | light |
reflejar | to reflect | |
la | claridad | clarity; brightness; light |
desconocido, -a | unfamiliar, unknown | |
el | árbol | tree |
poseer | to possess, to own, to have | |
la | tonalidad | tonality, shade, colour scheme |
el | color | color, colour |
la | línea | line |
otro, -a | other, another | |
ver (vemos) | to see (we see) | |
ser | to be | |
por | by, for, through, along | |
estrecho, -a | narrow, tight | |
torcido, -a | crooked, twisted | |
formado, -a | formed | |
viejo, -a | old | |
alto, -a | high, tall | |
lleno, -a | full | |
la | tienda | store, shop |
el | piso bajo | ground/first/lower floor |
The meaning of the word que
¿qué es esto?
what is this?
el encanto que las cosas tienen...
the charm that the things have...
líneas que no vemos ...
lines that we don’t see
el muchacho que vemos ...
the boy that we see
dice que ...
he says that ...
¿Qué — what? with the accent mark (acento) in the meaning of an interrogative pronoun is always used before a verb.
Que — that, who, which without the accent mark is a relative pronoun and it usually comes after a noun.
The word que without acento, functioning as a relative pronoun, doesn’t change in gender and number. For example:
el muchacho que veo...
the boy that I see...
la muchacha que veo...
the girl that I see...
Que without acento - in the meaning of the conjunction that - always comes afther a verb, for example:
dice que va al cine he says that he is going to the cinema.
Learn the expressions:
la hora de pasear
time for a walk
con esto basta
it’s enough
levantarse con el sol
to get up with the sun
por la mañana
in the morning
si (without acento)
sí (with acento)
Grammar points
1. Imperative Mood (modo imperativo)
In Spanish, 2nd person singular and plural forms of the imperative mood are formed from the stem of an infinitive verb with the help of the following endings:
-a and -ad for conjugation I
-e and -ed for conjugation II
-e and -id for conjugation III
2. Imperative Mood of Reflexive Verbs
¡lávate! wash up!
¡lavaos! wash up!
When conjugating reflexive verbs in the imperative mood, the personal pronouns te and os, functioning as the objects, always come after a verb and are written in one word with it, for example:
to wash (oneself)
¡lávate! (tú)
wash up! (sing.)
¡lavaos! (vosotros)
wash up! (pl.)
Reflexive verbs in the imperative mood drop the letter d — ¡lavaos!
Remember that me, te, se are not stressed.
3. Conjugation of querer
Quiere una manzana
He wants an apple.
Quiere a María.
He loves Maria.
The verb querer to want, to love is an irregular verb of individual conjugation. The deviation from the usual conjugation happens in the present tense and in the imperative mood. The vowel e from the stem of the verb querer changes to the diphthong ie the same way as with the verb comenzar.
querer — to want, to love | ||||
singular | plural | |||
1. | quiero | I want | queremos | we want |
2. | quieres | you want | queréis | you want |
3. | quiere | he wants | quieren | they want |
I. Translate into English (sometimes use your own dictionary):
— ¡Levántate, José! — dice Juana. El sol se levanta ya. — Hoy es domingo, ¿por qué levantarme con el sol? — Porque así aconseja el maestro Azorín. Pero José no se levanta ... Todos van a pasear y regresan a casa a las nueve, pero José está en la cama. — José no es artista — dice Juana. — ¿Por qué? — Porque no quiere ver los colores de las casas, de los árboles, de la calle donde vivimos ... — Mamá, Juana está loca. Yo quiero el desayuno. — Sobre la mesa hay manzanas. Come una manzana, bebe un vaso de té y espera. Esperad todos. El domingo el desayuno es a las diez.

II. Translate into Spanish:
I’m waiting for the coffee — Jose says. Why don’t you drink the coffee that is on the table? What is there in the mugs? In the mugs that are on the table, there is milk. The colours that we see in the morning, we don’t see in the everning. The things that we see in the stores of White street are always good.

III. Translate into Spanish:
— Study at home today — says Juana to Jose — you are sick. — I want to go to the university. I have much work. Mum, dad, talk with Jose. He is sick and wants to go to the university. — Jose, have breakfast. Today you are not going to the university. Call Maria and buy good wine on the way. A (they) knock at the door. Look who it is. (It) is Maria. Come in! (enter) Do you want coffee? Yes. I want.