Lección 39
Future Perfect in Spanish. Al + infinitive. Perder

la | puntualidad | punctuality |
la | corrida | bullfight, corrida |
el | toro | bull |
perder el camino | to lose the way | |
abierto, -a | open | |
sorprendido, -a | surprised | |
siguiente | next, following | |
el | asunto | issue, matter, subject |
urgente | urgent | |
ventilar | to ventilate; to discuss | |
cualquier, -a | any | |
almorzar | to have lunch | |
el | mediodía | noon, midday; lunchtime |
ahí | there | |
por ahí, por ahí | something like that | |
sentarse | to sit (down) | |
cerca de | close to, near | |
libre | free | |
perfectamente | perfectly | |
entonces | then | |
el | retraso | delay, late |
añadir | to add | |
quien | who | |
el | fin; en fin | end; finally, in the end |
sin falta | without fail, for sure, by all means | |
el | diablo | devil |
¡qué diablos! | what the hell! damn it! | |
quedar | to be left, to remain, to stay; to meet, to agree to meet, to arrange (to meet) | |
reunir | to gather | |
comparecer | to appear, to show up | |
el | camarero | waiter |
marcharse | to go, to leave (to part) | |
exclamar | to exclaim | |
fijar | to set, to fix, to establish | |
correr | to run; to hurry | |
resultar | to turn out (to be), to result in | |
aguardar | to wait (for), to await |
The meaning of words and expressions
hacer + infinitive make do smth.
Me hace usted fijar una hora.
You make me set a time.
Me hace usted correr.
You make me run
Me hace Vd. trabajar.
You make me work.
Lo hacíamos levantarse temprano.
We made him get up early.
Uno + 3rd person singular verb
In Spanish, the indefinite article uno, una + 3rd person singular verb forms impersonal turns of speech that are translate into English using either ‘you’ or the impersonal pronoun ‘one’, for example:
Uno no siempre quiere ir al cine.
You don’t/One doesn’t always want to go to the cinema.
Uno se levanta temprano.
You get/One gets up early.
Cuando uno se levanta temprano trabaja mejor.
When you get up early, you work better.
Que puede hacer uno cuando está enfermo.
What can you do when you are sick.
En la vida uno debe luchar.
In life one/you must fight.
Cuando uno duerme poco está cansado después.
When you sleep little, you are tired afterwards.
Cuando uno se levanta tarde se retrasa en el trabajo.
When you get up late, you fall behind in your work.
Que, ¿qué?
As in English, ¿qué? what? used both as an interrogative pronoun-noun and as an interrogative pronoun-adjective.
¿Qué? as the interrogative pronoun-noun is used independently and usually goes before a verb, for example:
¿En qué piensas?
What are you thinking about?
¿Qué has visto hoy?
What have you seen today?
¿Qué? as the interrogative pronoun-adjective is always used with a noun, defining mainly the quality both an object or a person.
¿Qué libros tienes?
What books do you have?
¿Qué música te gusta?
What music do you like?
The que that, used as a conjunction before a question, repeats the question and gives the answer simultaneously, for example:
¿A qué hora almuerza Vd.?
What time do you have lunch?
(answer) ¿Que a qué hora almuerzo?
What time do I have lunch?
In the second interrogative sentence que is used intead of Vd. pregunta or Vd. dice.
Learn the expressions:
lo siguiente
the next/following (thing)
todo el mundo
everybody, the world
de todos modos
anyway, anyhow, in any case
en fin
finally, in the end; anyway, anyhow
es decir
i.e., that is to say
al día siguiente
the next day
claro está
of course; clearly; obviously
días después
(a few) days after/later
Grammar points
1. Future perfect of the indicative mood (futuro perfecto de indicativo).
Future perfect of the indicative mood (futuro perfecto de indicativo) is used to talk about something that will have been completed at a certain point in the future, just like Future perfect in English. However, Futuro perfecto is also used to indicate probability, or what might have, could have or must have happened. For example:
Habrá perdido el camino.
He must have lost his way.
Juan habrá llegado mañana.
Juan will probably come tomorrow.
Juan habrá llegado ayer.
Juan must have arrived yesterday. / Juan probably arrived yesterday.
Futuro perfecto of the indicative mood is formed with the auxiliary verb haber in Futuro imperfecto de indicativo and the passive participle of the main verb.
The verb haber in the future imperfect tense is conjugated in the following way:
habré | habremos | |
habrás | habréis | |
habrá | habrán |
Futuro perfecto de indicativo |
conjugation I | |||
tomar — to take | |||
habré tomado | I will have taken | habremos tomado | we will have taken |
habrás tomado | you will have taken | habréis tomado | you will have taken |
habrá tomado | he will have taken | habrán tomado | they will have taken |
conjugation II | |||
comer — to eat | |||
habré comido | I will have eaten | habremos comido | we will have eaten |
habrás comido | you will have eaten | habréis comido | you will have eaten |
habrá comido | he will have eaten | habrán comido | they will have eaten |
conjugation III | |||
partir — to divide, to cut, to split | |||
habré partido | I will have cut | habremos partido | we will have cut |
habrás partido | you will have cut | habréis partido | you will have cut |
habrá partido | he will have cut | habrán partido | he will have cut |
Negative form:
yo no habré tomado
I will not have taken
tú no habrás tomado
you will not have taken
Interrogative form:
¿habré tomado yo?
will I have taken?
¿habrás tomado tú?
will you have taken?
The conjugation of the reflexive verb lavarse
in futuro perfecto de indicativo
Affirmative form:
yo me habré lavado
I will have washed
tú te habrás lavado
you will have washed
él se habrá lavado
he will have washed
Negative form:
yo no me habré lavado
I will not have washed
tú no te habrás lavado
you will not have washed
él no se habrá lavado
he will not have washed
Interrogative form:
¿me habré lavado yo?
will I have washed?
¿te habrás lavado tú?
will you have washed?
¿se habrá lavado él?
will he have washed?
2. Construction al + infinitive
In Spanish, in order to express different adverbial relations, different infinitive constructions are used that consist of prepositions and the infinitive.
The construction al + infinitive replaces gerundio. This constructions performs as subordinate adverbial clause of time, emphasizing simultaneous or preceding action directly concerned with the subject of the sentence.
This construction is translated into English using ‘upon,’ ‘on,’ or ‘when’ followed by the gerund (-ing), for example:
Al salir de la casa Juan encontró a Juana.
Upon leaving the house, Juan met Juana.
If there is another verb in the sentence with the construction al + infinitive, which is not connected with the subject of the construction, then it would be better to translate the construction al + infinitive with the subordinate clause with the conjunction when.
Al salir el sol cantan los pájaros.
When the sun rises, the birds sing.
You can also replace al + infinitive with the subordinate clause with cuando and a verb in the indicative mood, for example:
Cuando sale el sol cantan los pájaros.
When the sun rises, the birds sing.
3. The verb perder
The verb perder to lose is conjugated as the verb comenzar (group I of deviating verbs, see lesson 10). For example:
pierdo, pierdes, pierde, perdemos etc.
I lose, you lose, he loses, we loses etc.
I. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form of Future perfect:
Juan (leer) este libro. Juana (ir) al cine con Juan. José y María (reñir) de nuevo. No podemos encontrar la casa, (perder) el camino. Recuerdo esta película, la (ver) ya. Estás palido, (trabajar) mucho.

II. Change the sentences using al + infinitive, according to the example:
Example: Me encontró y exclamó — Al encontrarme exclamó.
Nos vió y dijo que iba a nuestra casa.
Le paró y le preguntó que hora era.
La saludó y la invitó al cine.
Le vi a usted y le esperé.
Tomé mi desayuno y salí de la casa.

III. Translate into English:
Miguel ha llegado tarde. Todos pensaron que había perdido el camino, pero Miguel les dijo que había olvidado a qué hora quedaron en encontrarse. Todos fueron a ver la corrida. Al verla Miguel decidió escribir a casa. Usted habrá escrito ya muchas cartas. He escrito muchas, mis padres y mis amigos estarán contentos. Al llegar a Madrid pensé quedarme aquí pocos días, pero quedaré unos días más y así habré visto todo.

IV. Translate into Spanish (use the topics of the lesson):
Miguel must have met someone, because it is already late and he’s not coming. He must have forgotten that we are waiting for him. Upon hearing a voice, Carmen opened the door and Miguel came in. When everyone saw him, they all started talking to him. Why are you coming so late? You must have met a beautiful (g....) Spaniard. — Jose says. I have met many beautiful Spaniards — Miguel says — but I couldn’t talk to them. — Were they with their boyfriends? — One was alone and upon meeting her I decided to start a conversation with her, but she looked at me and when I saw the look in her beautiful (b.....) black eyes I said nothing.