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Lección 58

5 groups of irregular verbs of deviating conjugation

La opinión

¡Pobre Carolina mía!
¡Nunca la podré olvidar!
Ved lo que el mundo decía
Viendo el féretro pasar: text translation

Un clérigo — ¡Empiece el canto!
El doctor — ¡Cesó el sufrir!
El padre — ¡Me ahoga el llanto!
La madre — ¡Quiero morir! text translation

Un muchacho — ¡Qué adornada!
Un joven — ¡Era muy bella!
Una moza — ¡Desgraciada!
Una vieja — ¡Feliz ella! text translation

¡Duerme en paz! — dicen los buenos.
¡Adiós! — dicen los demás.
Un filósofo — ¡Uno menos!
Un poeta — ¡Un ángel más! text translation



5 groups of irregular verbs of deviating conjugation

From the previous lessons you know that there are 5 groups of deviating verbs Hint.

Deviating verbs of group I

е > ie; е > ie, i; e > i

Group I of deviating verbs includes:

е > ie

a) A large number of verbs of conjugation I and II with the vowel e in the penultimate syllable and some verbs of conjugation III like discernir to discern, concernir to concern, where e under stress changes into ie. It happens in the 1, 2, 3 persons singular and the 3rd person plural of the present tense of the indicative and conjunctive moods, and also in 2nd person singular of the imperative mood.

Presente de indicativo

conjugation I

conjugation II

conjugation III

comenzarto begin

perderto lose

discernirto discern

Presente de subjuntivo








There are no other deviations in the other forms.

The following verbs are conjugated in the same way as the verb comenzar:

acertar to guess (correctly) cerrar to close
apretar to squeeze, to press confesar to confess
atravesar to cross despertar to wake up
calentar to heat empezar to start
enterrar to bury reventar to burst
fregar to scrub, to clean sembrar to sow, to plant
gobernar to govern sentar(se) to sit (down)
manifestar to express, to state serrar to saw
negar to deny sosegar to calm
pensar to think temblar to shake, to tremble
recomendar to recommend tentar to tempt, to try
regar to water tropezar to stumble
remendar to mend, to darn  

The following verbs are conjugated in the same way as the verb perder:

ascender to ascend encender to light
descender to descend entender to understand
atender to attend to, to address tender to tend
defender to defend verter to pour, to spill, to shed

е > ie, i

b) The verbs of conjugation III hervir and rehervir and also all the verbs ending in -entir, -erir, -ertir where e under stress changes into ie. It happens in all the tenses mentioned above. Moreover, in 3rd person singular and plural of pretérito simple, in all the forms of subjuntivo and in gerundio, i appears instead of e, for example:

sentir to feel
Presente de indicativo Pretérito simple (indefinido) Imperativo
siento senti ¡siente!
sientes sentiste  
siente sintió
sentimos sentimos
sentís sentisteis
sienten sintieron
Presente de subjuntivo Imperf. de subjuntivo Gerundio
sienta sintiera или sintiese sintiendo
sientas sintieras   sintieses  
sienta sintiera sintiese
sintamos sintiéramos sintiésemos
sintáis sintierais sintieseis
sientan sintieran sintiesen

There are no other deviations in the other tenses.

The following verbs are conjugated in the same way as the verb sentir:

advertir to notice hervir to boil
arrepentirse to repent mentir to lie
conferir to confer; to compare preferir to prefer
convertir to turn into presentir to sense
deferir to defer proferir to utter
digerir to digest referir to refer
divertir to amuse sugerir to suggest
herir to hurt  

е > i

c) The verb servir to serve and all the verbs ending in -ebir, -edir, -egir, -eguir, -eir, -emir, -enchir, -endir, -enir, -estir, -etir where e under stress changes into i in the 1, 2, 3 persons singular and in the 3rd person plural of the present tense of the indicative mood, in 3rd person singular and plural of pretérito simple, in all the tenses of subjuntivo, in gerundio, and also in the 2nd person of imperativo.

repetirto repeat
Presente de indicativo Pretérito simple (indefinido) Imperativo
repito repetí ¡repite!
repites repetiste  
repite repitió
repetimos repetimos
repetís repetisteis
repiten repitieron
Presente de subjuntivo Imperf. de subjuntivo Gerundio
repita repitiera или repitiese repitiendo
repitas repitieras   repitieses  
repita repitiera repitiese
repitamos repitiéramos repitiésemos
repitáis repitierais repitieseis
repitan repitieran repitiesen

There are no other deviations of the verbs mentioned above in the other tenses.

The following verbs are conjugated in the same way as the verb repetir:

ceñir to encircle impedir to prevent
competir to compete medir to measure
concebir to conceive pedir to ask for
conseguir to get, to achieve perseguir to pursue
corregir to correct proseguir to continue
derretir to melt reir(se) to laugh
despedir to see off rendir(se) to surrender
elegir to choose reñir to argue
embestir to charge seguir to follow
expedir to send servir to serve
freir to fry sonreír to smile
gemir to moan teñir to dye
henchir to fill vestir to dress


The verbs that end in the infinitive form in -chir, -nir lose i in the endings: -ió, -ieron, -iese (etc.), -iera (etc.), -iendo, thus: hincheron (although: repitieron), tiñendo (although: repitiendo) etc.

The verbs that end in -eir, while changing e into i, lose one i, thus, instead of: fri-iese, we have: friese, friendo etc.

Deviating verbs of group II

o > ue; o > u

Group II of deviating verbs includes:

o > ue

a) verbs of conjugation I and II, where root o under stress changes into ue.

The changes happen in the same forms that you know from group I.

contar to tell; to count
Presente de indicativo Presente de subjuntivo Imperativo
cuento cuente ¡cuenta!
cuentas cuentes  
cuenta cuente
contamos contemos
contáis contéis
cuentan cuenten

The following verbs are conjugated in the same way as the verb contar:

Verbs of conjugation I

acordar to agree hollar to tread
acordarse to remember jugar to play
acostar(se) to lay/lie down mostrar to show
almorzar to lunch poblar to populate
  to have a mid-morning snack probar to try; to proove
aprobar to approve renovar to renew, to renovate
colar to strain rodar to roll
colgar to hang rogar to beg
comprobar to check soltar to let out
consolar to comfort sonar to ring; to sound
costar to cost soñar to dream
demostrar to demonstrate tostar(se) to toast, to tan
  to proove tronar to thunder
encontrar to meet, to find trocar to barter
forzar to force volar to fly
holgar(se) to rest, to be idle volcar to knock over
volver to return, to come back
Presente de indicativo Presente de subjuntivo Imperativo
vuelvo vuelva ¡vuelve!
vuelves vuelvas  
vuelve vuelva
volvemos volvamos
volvéis volváis
vuelven vuelvan

The following verbs are conjugated in the same way as the verb volver:

Verbs of conjugation II

absolver absolve llover to rain
cocer to cook, to boil moler to grind
desenvolver to unwrap morder to bite
devolver to give back mover to move
doler to hurt, to ache oler (huelo) Hint to smell
envolver to wrap    

As an exception, the deviations of group II apply to the verb jugarto play where u changes into ue: juego, juegas etc.

o > ue, u

b) verbs of conjugation III dormir to sleep, morir to die that change o into ue in the 1, 2, 3 persons singular and in the 3rd person plural of the present tense of the indicative and conjunctive moods, and also in the 2nd person singular of the imperative mood. Moreover, u appear instead of o in the 3rd person singular and plural of pretérito simple, in all forms of subjuntivo, and also in gerundio.

dormir to sleep
Presente de indicativo: duermo, duermes etc.
Presente de subjuntivo: duerma, duermas etc.
Imperativo: duerme
Pretérito simple: durmió, durmieron
Pretérito imperf. de subjuntivo: durmiera or durmiese etc.
Gerundio: durmiendo

The participle dormido formed of the verb dormir is a regular form, but the verb morir is formed with a deviation and has an irregular form — muerto.

Deviating verbs of group III

c > zc; c > j

Group III of deviating verbs includes:

c > zc

a) all verbs that end in the infinitive form in -acer, -ecer, -ocer, -ucir (except mecer to swing, hacer to do, placer to please, yacer to lie, cocer to cook, escocer to sting, to burn, and also the verbs ending in -ducir).

When conjugating these verbs, the letter z appear before с [k] in the 1st person singular of the indicative mood and in all persons of the present tense of the conjunctive mood.

conocer to know, to meet
Presente de indicativo   Presente de subjuntivo
conozco   conozca
conoces   conozcas
conoce   conozca
conocemos   conozcamos
conocéis   conozcáis
conocen   conozcan

c > j

b) verbs ending in -ducir, except for the deviation from point a above, in the simple past of the indicative mood and the imperfect past of the conjunctive mood, change c into j, moreover, i is omitted after j in these tenses, therefore, instead of: conduciera there is: condujera.

conducir to lead
Presente de indicativo Presente de subjuntivo Imperativo
conduzco conduzca ¡conduzca!
conduces conduzcas и т.д.  
Pretérito simple (indefinido) Imperfecto de subjuntivo
conduje condujera или condujese
condujiste condujeras   condujeses
condujo condujera condujese
condujimos condujéramos condujésemos
condujisteis condujerais condujeseis
condujeron condujeran condujesen

Deviating verbs of group IV

u > uy

Group IV of deviating verbs includes all verbs that end in the infinitive form in -uir and -üir (after g, as in: argüir to argue), except for inmiscuir to interfere.

The peculiarity of this group of verbs is that in singular number and in the 3rd person plural of the present tense of the indicative mood, in all persons of the present tense of the conjunctive mood and also in the 2nd person singular of the imperative mood, the vowel y appear after the root vowel u before the endings a, e, o.

construir to build
Presente de indicativo Pretérito simple (indefinido) Imperativo
construyo construí ¡construye!
construyes construiste  
construye construyó
construímos construímos
construís construisteis
construyen construyeron
Presente de subjuntivo Imperf. de subjuntivo Gerundio
construya construyera or construyese construyendo
construyas construyeras   construyeses  
construya construyera construyese
construyamos construyéramos construyésemos
construyáis construyerais construyeseis
construyan construyeran construyesen

Deviating verbs of group V

io, ie > o, e

Group V of deviating verbs includes all verbs that end in -añer, -eñir, -uñir, -eller and -ullir. The peculiarity of these verbs is the omission of the vowel i in the 3rd person of pretérito simple, and also in all the derivative forms, i.e.: -io, -ieron, -iera, -ieras, -iese, -ieses etc., and also -iendo, for example:

tañer to strum tañeron (although: comieron)
reñir to argue riñó  
henchir to fill (up) hinchendo (although: viviendo)


tañía   as comía
henchido   as vivido
reñiste   as escribiste


Verbs that end in the infinitive form in -irir change -i- under stress into -ie, e.g.:

adquirir to acquire
adquieres, but adquirió