Lección 53
Pretérito imperfecto de subjuntivo for verbs of conjugation II and III
Que no se entere nadie
— ¿Viene hoy Miguel? — pregunta Carmen.
— Miguel está en Moscú.
— Si viviese en Madrid, vendría. A él le gustaba escuchar a José.
— Si pudiera llamarlo, lo llamaría, pero no es posible.
— ¿Qué nos leerás hoy, José?
— Algo de Poncela, pero si hubiera café en casa, lo tomaría antes de leer ..., ¡Ahora escuchad!

Velázquez, 214

enterarse | to find out | |
olvidado, -a | forgotten, lost | |
el | bolso | (hand)bag, purse |
el | banco | bench; bank |
apoderarse | to seize, to take possession of | |
interior | interior, inside | |
encontrar | to find; to meet | |
diecinueve | nineteen | |
la | tarjeta de visita | business card |
restante | remaining, rest | |
devolver | to give/send back, to return | |
junto | together, along | |
la | respuesta | response, answer, reply |
dedicar | to dedicate; to devote | |
tonelada | ton | |
agradecer | to thank; to be grateful | |
el | envío | shipping, sending, shipment; package |
último, -a | last | |
obligar | to force, to oblige | |
la | labor | work, labo(u)r, task |
entender (entiendo) | to understand (I understand) | |
la | literatura | literature |
comunicar | to communicate; to inform | |
replicar | to retort; to reply | |
el | pintor | painter, artist |
opinar | to give one’s opinion; to think, to believe | |
decentemente | decently | |
obligado | forced, obliged | |
ilustrar | to illustrate, to explain, to enlighten | |
la | causa | cause, reason |
el | músico | musician; musical |
el | escultor | sculptor |
la | mina | mine |
el | perito | expert |
el | electricista | electrician |
el | vidriero | glass maker, glazier |
penoso, -a | painful, hard, difficult | |
terrible | terrible | |
la | cantidad | amount, quantity; number |
el | conocimiento | knowledge |
necesario, -a | necessary | |
dialogar | to have a conversation, to dialogue, to talk | |
evitar | to avoid | |
semejante | similar | |
el | suplicio | torture, ordeal |
ocuparse | to occupy; to deal with | |
ambos | both | |
celebrar | to celebrate, to hold | |
la | entrevista | interview; meeting |
Learn the expressions:
dejarse olvidado
be left forgotten, to leave (behind), to forget
agradecer en el alma
to thank wholeheartedly
no entiendo ni una palabra
I don’t understand a word
dos días después
two days later
por la misma causa
for the same reason
declarar el amor
to declare the love
Pretérito imperfecto de subjuntivo for verbs of conjugation II and III, and irregular verbs of deviating conjugation
si viviese en Madrid
if I lived in Madrid
si pudiera
if I could
Pretérito imperfecto de subjuntivo of conjugation II and III is formed from the stem of infinitive verbs and the following endings:
Conjugations I, II and III
Pretérito imperfecto de subjuntivo | |||
conjugation I | |||
tomar — to take | |||
(si) | tomara | if I took | |
tomaras | if you took | ||
tomara | if he took | ||
tomáramos | if we took | ||
tomarais | if you took | ||
tomaran | if they took |
conjugation II | |||
comer — to eat | |||
(si) | comiera | if I ate | |
comieras | if you ate | ||
comiera | if he ate | ||
comiéramos | if we ate | ||
comierais | if you ate | ||
comieran | if they ate |
conjugation III | |||
partir — to divide, to split | |||
(si) | partiera | if I divided | |
partieras | if you divided | ||
partiera | if he divided | ||
partiéramos | if we divided | ||
partierais | if you divided | ||
partieran | if they divided |
(si) | tomase | comiese | partiese | ||
tomases | comieses | partieses | |||
tomase | comiese | partiese | |||
tomásemos | comiésemos | partiésemos | |||
tomaseis | comieseis | partieseis | |||
tomasen | comiesen | partiesen |
Irregular verbs in imperfecto de subjuntivo have the same deviations as in pretérito simple de indicativo, e.g.:
poder be able to, can
pretér. simple: pude I was able to
imperf. de subj.: pudiera, pudiese if I were able to etc.
hacer to do, to make
pretér. simple: hice I did
imperf. de subj.: hiciera or hiciese if I did etc.
In order to avoid a mistake when forming imperfecto de subjuntivo, another method can be applied:
drop the ending -ron off 3rd person plural in pretérito simple and add the endings -ra, -ras etc. or -se, -ses etc. for both regular and irregular verbs, for example:
ir to go
pret. simple: fue — ron
imp. de subj.: fuera, fueras or fuese, fueses и т.д.
dormir to sleep
pret. simple: durmie — ron
imp. de subj.: durmiera, durmieras etc. or durmiese, durmieses etc.
Hay in imperfecto de subjuntivo has the form: hubiera or hubiese.
I. Put the verbs below in the correct form of imperfecto de subjuntivo (give two forms: with -ra and -se).




II. Put the verbs given in brackets in the correct form according to the example: in sentence 1, use pretérito simple; in sentence 2, imperfecto de subjuntivo.
Vds. preguntaron algo a Juana.
Juan quería que Vds. preguntaran algo a Juana.
Ellos (olvidar) sus libros. — Mamá dijo que no los (olvidar) .
Ellos no (comer) sopa. — Mamá pedía que la (comer) .
Nosotros (escribir) una carta a José. — José no quería que le (escribir) .
Vds. (visitar) al pintor. — Les pedíamos que no lo (visitar) .
Vds. (comenzar) a trabajar. — Queríamos que Vds. (comenzar) más tarde.

III. Put the verbs given in brackets in the correct form using: pretérito imperfecto de subjuntivo in sentence; the conditional mood in sentence 2.
Si nosotros (tener) tiempo, (ir) al teatro.
Si yo (conocer) a un pintor, le (pedir) que me (hacer) un retrato.
Si Vd. (cantar) yo (escuchar) .
Si Vd. (ver) esta película, le (gustar) .
Si Miguel (estar) aquí, nos (contar) algo sobre Rusia.

IV. Translate into English:
Si yo olvidara mi bolso, lo buscaría y si lo encontrara alguien y me lo devolviera, no le escribiría toneladas de frases, le daría las gracias (dar las gracias = agradecer) con pocas palabras. Si Mariano no se viera obligado a visitar tanta gente, no declararía el amor a Asunción. Si Asunción no preguntara tantas cosas, Mariano no necesitaría contestarle. Si Mariano fuera pintor, en vez de contestar pintaría a su novia. Si la gente no dejase olvidadas las cosas, no necesitaría buscarlas luego.

V. Translate into Spanish:
If I had money, I would buy an interesting book and read all day long. If I could go to the theater in the evening, I would go, but if Maria came, I would go for a walk with her. And if it was cold? If it was cold, we would stay at home. Wouldn’t you like to visit Moscow? I would like to, if I could stay there for a long time.