Lección 58
5 groups of irregular verbs of deviating conjugation
La opinión
¡Pobre Carolina mía!
¡Nunca la podré olvidar!
Ved lo que el mundo decía
Viendo el féretro pasar:
Un clérigo — ¡Empiece el canto!
El doctor — ¡Cesó el sufrir!
El padre — ¡Me ahoga el llanto!
La madre — ¡Quiero morir!
Un muchacho — ¡Qué adornada!
Un joven — ¡Era muy bella!
Una moza — ¡Desgraciada!
Una vieja — ¡Feliz ella!
¡Duerme en paz! — dicen los buenos.
¡Adiós! — dicen los demás.
Un filósofo — ¡Uno menos!
Un poeta — ¡Un ángel más!
5 groups of irregular verbs of deviating conjugation
From the previous lessons you know that there are 5 groups of deviating verbs .
Deviating verbs of group I
Group I of deviating verbs includes:
a) A large number of verbs of conjugation I and II with the vowel e in the penultimate syllable and some verbs of conjugation III like discernir to discern, concernir to concern, where e under stress changes into ie. It happens in the 1, 2, 3 persons singular and the 3rd person plural of the present tense of the indicative and conjunctive moods, and also in 2nd person singular of the imperative mood.
Presente de indicativo
conjugation I
conjugation II
conjugation III
comenzar — to begin
perder — to lose
discernir — to discern
Presente de subjuntivo
There are no other deviations in the other forms.
The following verbs are conjugated in the same way as the verb comenzar:
acertar | to guess (correctly) | cerrar | to close |
apretar | to squeeze, to press | confesar | to confess |
atravesar | to cross | despertar | to wake up |
calentar | to heat | empezar | to start |
enterrar | to bury | reventar | to burst |
fregar | to scrub, to clean | sembrar | to sow, to plant |
gobernar | to govern | sentar(se) | to sit (down) |
manifestar | to express, to state | serrar | to saw |
negar | to deny | sosegar | to calm |
pensar | to think | temblar | to shake, to tremble |
recomendar | to recommend | tentar | to tempt, to try |
regar | to water | tropezar | to stumble |
remendar | to mend, to darn |
The following verbs are conjugated in the same way as the verb perder:
ascender | to ascend | encender | to light |
descender | to descend | entender | to understand |
atender | to attend to, to address | tender | to tend |
defender | to defend | verter | to pour, to spill, to shed |
b) The verbs of conjugation III hervir and rehervir and also all the verbs ending in -entir, -erir, -ertir where e under stress changes into ie. It happens in all the tenses mentioned above. Moreover, in 3rd person singular and plural of pretérito simple, in all the forms of subjuntivo and in gerundio, i appears instead of e, for example:
sentir to feel | ||
Presente de indicativo | Pretérito simple (indefinido) | Imperativo |
siento | senti | ¡siente! |
sientes | sentiste | |
siente | sintió | |
sentimos | sentimos | |
sentís | sentisteis | |
sienten | sintieron |
Presente de subjuntivo | Imperf. de subjuntivo | Gerundio | ||
sienta | sintiera | или | sintiese | sintiendo |
sientas | sintieras | sintieses | ||
sienta | sintiera | sintiese | ||
sintamos | sintiéramos | sintiésemos | ||
sintáis | sintierais | sintieseis | ||
sientan | sintieran | sintiesen |
There are no other deviations in the other tenses.
The following verbs are conjugated in the same way as the verb sentir:
advertir | to notice | hervir | to boil |
arrepentirse | to repent | mentir | to lie |
conferir | to confer; to compare | preferir | to prefer |
convertir | to turn into | presentir | to sense |
deferir | to defer | proferir | to utter |
digerir | to digest | referir | to refer |
divertir | to amuse | sugerir | to suggest |
herir | to hurt |
c) The verb servir to serve and all the verbs ending in -ebir, -edir, -egir, -eguir, -eir, -emir, -enchir, -endir, -enir, -estir, -etir where e under stress changes into i in the 1, 2, 3 persons singular and in the 3rd person plural of the present tense of the indicative mood, in 3rd person singular and plural of pretérito simple, in all the tenses of subjuntivo, in gerundio, and also in the 2nd person of imperativo.
repetir — to repeat | ||
Presente de indicativo | Pretérito simple (indefinido) | Imperativo |
repito | repetí | ¡repite! |
repites | repetiste | |
repite | repitió | |
repetimos | repetimos | |
repetís | repetisteis | |
repiten | repitieron |
Presente de subjuntivo | Imperf. de subjuntivo | Gerundio | ||
repita | repitiera | или | repitiese | repitiendo |
repitas | repitieras | repitieses | ||
repita | repitiera | repitiese | ||
repitamos | repitiéramos | repitiésemos | ||
repitáis | repitierais | repitieseis | ||
repitan | repitieran | repitiesen |
There are no other deviations of the verbs mentioned above in the other tenses.
The following verbs are conjugated in the same way as the verb repetir:
ceñir | to encircle | impedir | to prevent |
competir | to compete | medir | to measure |
concebir | to conceive | pedir | to ask for |
conseguir | to get, to achieve | perseguir | to pursue |
corregir | to correct | proseguir | to continue |
derretir | to melt | reir(se) | to laugh |
despedir | to see off | rendir(se) | to surrender |
elegir | to choose | reñir | to argue |
embestir | to charge | seguir | to follow |
expedir | to send | servir | to serve |
freir | to fry | sonreír | to smile |
gemir | to moan | teñir | to dye |
henchir | to fill | vestir | to dress |
The verbs that end in the infinitive form in -chir, -nir lose i in the endings: -ió, -ieron, -iese (etc.), -iera (etc.), -iendo, thus: hincheron (although: repitieron), tiñendo (although: repitiendo) etc.
The verbs that end in -eir, while changing e into i, lose one i, thus, instead of: fri-iese, we have: friese, friendo etc.
Deviating verbs of group II
Group II of deviating verbs includes:
a) verbs of conjugation I and II, where root o under stress changes into ue.
The changes happen in the same forms that you know from group I.
contar to tell; to count | ||
Presente de indicativo | Presente de subjuntivo | Imperativo |
cuento | cuente | ¡cuenta! |
cuentas | cuentes | |
cuenta | cuente | |
contamos | contemos | |
contáis | contéis | |
cuentan | cuenten |
The following verbs are conjugated in the same way as the verb contar:
Verbs of conjugation I
acordar | to agree | hollar | to tread |
acordarse | to remember | jugar | to play |
acostar(se) | to lay/lie down | mostrar | to show |
almorzar | to lunch | poblar | to populate |
to have a mid-morning snack | probar | to try; to proove | |
aprobar | to approve | renovar | to renew, to renovate |
colar | to strain | rodar | to roll |
colgar | to hang | rogar | to beg |
comprobar | to check | soltar | to let out |
consolar | to comfort | sonar | to ring; to sound |
costar | to cost | soñar | to dream |
demostrar | to demonstrate | tostar(se) | to toast, to tan |
to proove | tronar | to thunder | |
encontrar | to meet, to find | trocar | to barter |
forzar | to force | volar | to fly |
holgar(se) | to rest, to be idle | volcar | to knock over |
volver to return, to come back | ||
Presente de indicativo | Presente de subjuntivo | Imperativo |
vuelvo | vuelva | ¡vuelve! |
vuelves | vuelvas | |
vuelve | vuelva | |
volvemos | volvamos | |
volvéis | volváis | |
vuelven | vuelvan |
The following verbs are conjugated in the same way as the verb volver:
Verbs of conjugation II
absolver | absolve | llover | to rain |
cocer | to cook, to boil | moler | to grind |
desenvolver | to unwrap | morder | to bite |
devolver | to give back | mover | to move |
doler | to hurt, to ache | oler (huelo) ![]() |
to smell |
envolver | to wrap |
As an exception, the deviations of group II apply to the verb jugar — to play where u changes into ue: juego, juegas etc.
b) verbs of conjugation III dormir to sleep, morir to die that change o into ue in the 1, 2, 3 persons singular and in the 3rd person plural of the present tense of the indicative and conjunctive moods, and also in the 2nd person singular of the imperative mood. Moreover, u appear instead of o in the 3rd person singular and plural of pretérito simple, in all forms of subjuntivo, and also in gerundio.
dormir to sleep | |
Presente de indicativo: | duermo, duermes etc. |
Presente de subjuntivo: | duerma, duermas etc. |
Imperativo: | duerme |
Pretérito simple: | durmió, durmieron |
Pretérito imperf. de subjuntivo: | durmiera or durmiese etc. |
Gerundio: | durmiendo |
The participle dormido formed of the verb dormir is a regular form, but the verb morir is formed with a deviation and has an irregular form — muerto.
Deviating verbs of group III
Group III of deviating verbs includes:
a) all verbs that end in the infinitive form in -acer, -ecer, -ocer, -ucir (except mecer to swing, hacer to do, placer to please, yacer to lie, cocer to cook, escocer to sting, to burn, and also the verbs ending in -ducir).
When conjugating these verbs, the letter z appear before с [k] in the 1st person singular of the indicative mood and in all persons of the present tense of the conjunctive mood.
conocer to know, to meet | ||
Presente de indicativo | Presente de subjuntivo | |
conozco | conozca | |
conoces | conozcas | |
conoce | conozca | |
conocemos | conozcamos | |
conocéis | conozcáis | |
conocen | conozcan |
b) verbs ending in -ducir, except for the deviation from point a above, in the simple past of the indicative mood and the imperfect past of the conjunctive mood, change c into j, moreover, i is omitted after j in these tenses, therefore, instead of: conduciera there is: condujera.
conducir to lead | ||
Presente de indicativo | Presente de subjuntivo | Imperativo |
conduzco | conduzca | ¡conduzca! |
conduces | conduzcas и т.д. |
Pretérito simple (indefinido) | Imperfecto de subjuntivo | ||
conduje | condujera | или | condujese |
condujiste | condujeras | condujeses | |
condujo | condujera | condujese | |
condujimos | condujéramos | condujésemos | |
condujisteis | condujerais | condujeseis | |
condujeron | condujeran | condujesen |
Deviating verbs of group IV
Group IV of deviating verbs includes all verbs that end in the infinitive form in -uir and -üir (after g, as in: argüir to argue), except for inmiscuir to interfere.
The peculiarity of this group of verbs is that in singular number and in the 3rd person plural of the present tense of the indicative mood, in all persons of the present tense of the conjunctive mood and also in the 2nd person singular of the imperative mood, the vowel y appear after the root vowel u before the endings a, e, o.
construir to build | ||
Presente de indicativo | Pretérito simple (indefinido) | Imperativo |
construyo | construí | ¡construye! |
construyes | construiste | |
construye | construyó | |
construímos | construímos | |
construís | construisteis | |
construyen | construyeron |
Presente de subjuntivo | Imperf. de subjuntivo | Gerundio | ||
construya | construyera | or | construyese | construyendo |
construyas | construyeras | construyeses | ||
construya | construyera | construyese | ||
construyamos | construyéramos | construyésemos | ||
construyáis | construyerais | construyeseis | ||
construyan | construyeran | construyesen |
Deviating verbs of group V
Group V of deviating verbs includes all verbs that end in -añer, -eñir, -uñir, -eller and -ullir. The peculiarity of these verbs is the omission of the vowel i in the 3rd person of pretérito simple, and also in all the derivative forms, i.e.: -io, -ieron, -iera, -ieras, -iese, -ieses etc., and also -iendo, for example:
tañer | to strum | tañeron | (although: comieron) |
reñir | to argue | riñó | |
henchir | to fill (up) | hinchendo | (although: viviendo) |
tañía | as comía | |
henchido | as vivido | |
reñiste | as escribiste |
Verbs that end in the infinitive form in -irir change -i- under stress into -ie, e.g.:
adquirir to acquire
adquieres, but adquirió